Originale Zeitmaschine - Restauration

Alles rund um den DeLorean
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Registriert: 27. Jul 2003, 22:38
Wohnort: Hünfelden

Re: Originale Zeitmaschine - Restauration

Beitrag von AlexRoth »

Sofort :wink:

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Re: Originale Zeitmaschine - Restauration

Beitrag von Elvis »

Nicht original, aber dennoch interessant:

(geklaut von DMCTALK, da gibts auch Bilder)

Newest Flux Capacitor updated version by Coulombe Enterprises Inc.

I just want to introduce our newest Flux Capacitor version. We are calling this one our "1.21 Jigowatts" version. I thank my team of professionals did a great job (as always) but, this version would not have been made if Gary Weaver had not been so generous as to share his newest find of Flux Capacitor photos with the general public. I also want to thank the Prop Department staff at Universal Studios Florida for sharing some detailed production photos I've never seen of the Flux Capacitor with me. The difference is with the added small connector detail that no other builder uses, they didn't even know about (including me) and I think it adds a nice touch to the Flux Capacitor family. Thanks Gary - Thanks USF Prop Jocks!

Also, if anyone that would like to purchase one of our props or our iconic full scale DeLorean Time Machines please go to our website : http://www.DeloreanTimeMachines.com or visit us on our Face Book page under Coulombe Enterprises or email me personally.

We are very proud of our work but, we also know that customer have their own opinion of what is accuarte, what isn't, what belongs and how it should be. If you don't like a feature just tell us and we will proudly do our best to fabricate it the why you feel is accurate/correct. We don't mind, it's your money. I just want you to be happy with your purchase, not my ego or someone elses opinion.

I'd also like to give a big well deserved nod to my team. They are working very hard on the 6 Deloreans' we now transforming in our shop that will soon become the CEI class of 2013 DeLorean Time Machines. You guys and gals are doing a great job and I proud to have you all as my crew. We will have 12 transformations by years end. "THANK YOU ALL" for making me proud and my dream come true. GTG - GTG - GTG!

Beiträge: 563
Registriert: 27. Jul 2003, 22:38
Wohnort: Hünfelden

Re: Originale Zeitmaschine - Restauration

Beitrag von AlexRoth »

Site Admin
Beiträge: 5461
Registriert: 30. Jun 2003, 15:37
Wohnort: Black Forest

Re: Originale Zeitmaschine - Restauration

Beitrag von Elvis »

Ein öffentlicher Brief von Bob Gale an Gary Waver - nett zu lesen :-)

Gary Weaver II

Dear Gary,
As you know, I've organized the restoration of the "A" car Delorean through Fred Diedrich and Universal Studios. This restoration is a direct result of my being appalled at the condition of the "A" Car when I saw it at a Nike Event in September 2011. Since I was going to spearhead the project, I wanted the work done locally, by someone I knew, so I could keep an eye on it. I knew that we couldn't afford to hire Kevin Pike, Mike Scheffe or Michael Lantieri, even if they were available. So I turned to Joe Walser, J Ryan and Terry Matalas, whom I've known for several years and whose work on BTTF Delorean replicas I admire. I (correctly) guessed that their fan-passion would make them say yes, and turn this into a labor of love for them. And, because there are three of them,
I knew that if one had some sort of personal crisis in his life that prevented him from continuing, there would still be two others to carry on. Gary, I'm aware of your own passion for the Delorean and your knowledge about it. I know that you too are capable of doing excellent replicas, as are many other guys around the country, some of whom I've met at Delorean Car Shows or other events. I'm also aware that you have a checkered history with Joe, J and Terry, as well as with others in the Delorean community. I know that this history resulted in you doing some regrettable things that prompted you to post a public apology to the BTTF/Delorean Community on
various websites in 2010. (Yes, I saw it.) However, the disputes between replica builders are something I stay away from. Only once have I ever publicly blasted someone in connection with the BTTF Delorean, and that was George Barris, because he tried to
make people think he built it. I appreciate the fact that so many people want BTTF Delorean replicas and that there are guys like you who can make their dreams come true. My goal is simple: I want the "A" car restored with as many original parts as possible and
then have it displayed in an environment fitting to its legacy. Given that you're such a huge fan of the movies and of the car, I would think you of all people should embrace this goal. That's why I'm in absolute disbelief to learn first hand that you've contacted people in the Delorean community and asked them not to cooperate with my project, and not to do business with my team. Why? What exactly do you gain from this? Do you really want to be known as the guy who tried to impede the Delorean Restoration? The fact that you have issues with the guys I picked is your own business. But the fact that you're now actively interfering with my project makes it my business. And your behavior is way out of line. This isn't about you, Gary. How could it be? You and I have never even met! So, for
just one minute, put yourself in my shoes and ask yourself: if you were Bob Gale, would you hire a guy you'd never met nor dealt with on any level, ever? Would you hire a guy who pissed off so many people in the Delorean community that he had to post a public
apology? Would you hire a guy from out of state when you wanted the work done locally? Or would you hire a team of extremely capable, talented local guys whom you knew and respected, passionate fans whose work you admired and whom you'd observed
giving back to the BTTF community? In baseball, one pitcher may not personally like a fellow pitcher, but he can still respect
his ability to win games and therefore be glad they're both on the same team. That pitcher may be upset that the manager gives the ball to another pitcher when he's convinced he could win the game. But sometimes the manager prefers a left-hander in a certain
situation to a right-hander. Well, I'm the manager of Team BTTF, and I chose Joe, J and Terry for this situation. I know they're going to do an excellent job. I'd like to think that, in your heart, you know that too. There is no hidden agenda here. It's only about
restoring the "A" Car and preserving the legacy of Back to the Future. That's the game I want to win.
With that in mind, I'm asking you to put the past aside -- as you did in 2010 -- at least for the rest of the year. Make amends for your recent behavior and do what's best for BTTF: do what you can to open doors that might be closed to us, to re-open doors that you
closed on us, and to help us find parts or information that would be useful. I hope you'll choose to be part of Team BTTF, even though it means you're a bench player for this game. After all, even a bench player can encourage his teammates to win. If you choose
not to help, well, that's your decision. But if that is your ultimate choice, then please don't interfere with my project. Don't sit in the stands and boo the guys I put on the field and throw trash at them. Instead, be respectful to me, to Universal Studios, to the BTTF
Franchise, and to BTTF fans around the world. You can do this first by repairing the damage you've done in denigrating our project to the people you deal with, and then by simply keeping quiet. That's the very least you can do for our Delorean: a cultural icon
that has brought you years of enjoyment, put some money in your pocket, and has a wonderful legacy that you have personally spread by building quality replicas for fans all over the country. I don't think that's much to ask. Do you?
Thanks, Gary.
