History DMCH

Alles rund um den DeLorean
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History DMCH

Beitrag von Elvis »

From: "neal barclay" <neal.barclay@ntlworld.com>


Well it all started for when I worked at British Enkalon factory at Antrim where I lived at the time. Which made man made fibers. Things were not good in the industry at the time.
I was talking to a work mate one day, and he told me that Delorean motor cars where looking for workers, I told him that I seen it on the news and papers. Up to then I was in full time employment from the time I left school. So I send off for an application form well after a few weeks I went for two interviews then I got a letter to say that I was offered a position of traffic and dispatch operator.
I started work on the 16th march 1981. The first day was spend getting talks about the company and photos taken for my I d, also a tour of the factory. I was given an information pack, which I have to this day as well as my id. Pass, the next few days more workers were taken on. There we were a small team of us half of us worked at the factory; the others worked at the compound at the docks in Belfast.
We met the transporter drivers who were up to practices putting the cars on to the transporters.
Also when it was quite I would go out with the van driver to some of the suppliers After a few weeks the first production cars came over to us, they were checked for missing labels, protective padding attached. Then the cars driven out for the building lined up for the Transporters.
As the weeks passed the production increased ready for the first shipment to the U S west coast, long beach in California. The day Easter Sunday April 19th 1981.I was not picked to work that day, but I went down any way with my camera, as I knew that this was history in the making. All the worlds press were there, for once this was a good news story that was coming out of Belfast. Also this was the day that some said would not happen. the first sports car to be build in Northern Ireland. Being shipped out to the U S in record time.
Looking back now after 25 years this was the proudest moment for all my work mates, and me. This was part of Northern Irelands industrial history as well as Delorean history.
As the production increased to 80 cars a day, like the Titanic it was full steam a head more workers were taken on, all I had to do was drive the cars out of the building ready for the transporters. What a job I had driving a Delorean living my dream. Then a year later the dream turned to nightmare, on the 31st may 1981 I lost my job I loved,and to this day it was the best job I ever had.! There were workers there that not had a job before, for me I never lost a job before, so I had to face unemployment for the first time it was very hard for me to do, it took me three years before I got a full time job again. I had to be retrained. I got my H G V licence and got jobs in the haulage industry. I had to face unemployment a few times over the years but not as long as after Delorean. I work now for Belfast city council still driving.
Even after 25 years on, it still hurts loosening my job at Delorean but it is to easy to blame people for what went wrong. Over the last few years I have met owners from Ireland and the U K and other parts of the world and seen some great Deloreans so I am living the Dream all over again, and look forward to the next 25 years.

Neal Barclay

Beiträge: 842
Registriert: 17. Mär 2006, 13:45
Wohnort: Landkreis-Ludwigsburg

Beitrag von ChrisP_3921 »

Schöne Geschichte. Elvis, wo bzw wie findest Du nur solche Sachen???
Mit besten Grüßen
Chris & 3921

Site Admin
Beiträge: 5461
Registriert: 30. Jun 2003, 15:37
Wohnort: Black Forest

Beitrag von Elvis »

Im Gegensatz zu anderen lese ich auch andere Foren...und filtere interessante Sachen raus.
Bin da wohl der einzigste er das tut - 30 mal gelesen - ein Kommentar dazu...schon traurig...

Falls es dich interessiert - Yahoo bietet solche Foren an, so wie das Deutsche Forum, das eigentlich so gut wie tot ist.
Das größte dort ist die DML (www.dmcnews.com), dann gibts ein britisches, ein irisches, Nord-kalifornisches, sicherlich auf holländisches ...

see here:


dann gibts noch die dmchelp.com Seite von DMCH, www.entermyworld.com von Tamir hat ein Forum usw.

Beiträge: 842
Registriert: 17. Mär 2006, 13:45
Wohnort: Landkreis-Ludwigsburg

Beitrag von ChrisP_3921 »

Vielleicht ist englisch nicht jedermanns Sache? Es liest sich halt nicht so geschmeidig wie deutsche Artikel. Aber Vorschlag an den Admin, wie wäre es mit einer eigenen Rubrik für solche "Raritäten"?

Was mich betrifft Elvis, sorry, aber ich habe noch nicht alle Foren und Newsgroups drauf. Ich befasse mich erst wieder seit ca. 1 Monat mit der Thematik. Ich sage aber Danke für Deine Postings.
Mit besten Grüßen
Chris & 3921

Beiträge: 2128
Registriert: 24. Okt 2006, 19:49
Wohnort: MG

Re: History DMCH

Beitrag von Sebastian_6577 »

Heute vor 30 Jahren wurde die erste Schiffsverladung durchgeführt; würde gerne das Datum in den Bereich auf der Höhe des Radios und der Quellauslässe eingeben und hinfahren :-)

Beiträge: 139
Registriert: 28. Apr 2006, 10:56
Wohnort: Southwest Germany

Re: History DMCH

Beitrag von Patrick_3451 »

schöne Geschichte!
finde auch solche Sachen gehören in ein extra Bereich...

Gruss Patrick
Suche so ein Teil.... nein!... einer reicht vorerst :-) VIN 3451
